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Model Railroad Control Systems

Spring Switch Simulator Kit


Spring Switch Simulator Kit

0.25 LBS
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Product Description

The Spring Switch Simulator provides the "spring switch" function for one end of a siding. 

  • For a train leaving the siding, a sensor (option or user provided) detects the train as it approaches the end of the siding.  If no train is occupying the leaving switch, the switch reverses towards the siding and the train in the siding can proceed onto the main.  After the train has cleared the leaving switch, the switch returns to the normal position.  
  • A train approaching the siding from the main may stop in advance of the "leaving" switch and operate an optional fascia-mounted control which will reverse the leaving switch.  This control must be manually reset (simulating the train stopping, head brakeman operating the switch, train proceeding and rear brakeman lining the switch for the main).

The Kit consists of an Arduino Nano, a breakout board to organize the wiring, and our Remote Stall Motor Controller which will drive a Tortoise by Circuitron (tm) or our MP series switch motors.  We offer a package with a pair of our Enhanced Optical Position Detectors but any detector with an active low output will work (or you can modify the Arduino sketch to conform to your existing detection).  The Nano can be powered with a USB cable and cell phone charger or a 5 VDC wall wart (not included), the Remote Stall Motor Controller needs 12 VDC (, the Enhanced Optical Position Detectors can also use 12VDC from same source. 

The Arduino sketch is provided by Dennis Drury

There are various connector options, including tortoise compatible socket, for the Remote Stall Motor Controller, so indicate your choice or contact us for final pricing.

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